Absolut Blue Vodka
70cl 40% ABVSE SwedenAbsolut Vodka was first launched in New York in 1979. It soon became the talk of the town, in the US and eventually of the world. A cabinet essential and a fantastically versatile vodka.
Key FlavoursPlainCrisp & Clean£22.45LIMITEDSTOCK
Absolut Watermelon Vodka
70cl 38% ABVSE SwedenAbsolut's special edition is all you need for a summer fiesta. Fruity, bright and delicious - this delivers exactly what it sets out to - a watermelon bonanza.
Key FlavoursFruityFresh FruitSweet£24.45LIMITEDSTOCK
Absolut Mango Vodka
70cl 40% ABVSE SwedenInspired by the Alphonso mangoes, also known as the King of Mangoes, Absolut Mango made a royal entrance and has become a hugely popular release for the Swedish Distillery for good reason - it's summer in a glass!
Absolut Citron Vodka
70cl 40% ABVSE SwedenOne of the many flavoured variants from the iconic Swedish Vodka - Absolut Citron is the original citrus vodka. Fresh and zingy!
Key FlavoursCitrusCrisp & Clean£24.45LIMITEDSTOCK
Absolut Pears Vodka
70cl 38% ABVSE SwedenOne of the many flavoured variants from the iconic Swedish Vodka - Absolut Pear is a fruity, floral and compelling offering. Really fantastic when paired with a rhubarb soda.
Key FlavoursFresh Fruit£27.45LIMITEDSTOCK
Absolut Vanilia Vodka
70cl 38% ABVSE SwedenFlavoured with the natural extracts of vanilla pods, this is one of Absolute's best flavoured vodkas. Pornstar Martini fodder if ever there's been one.
Key FlavoursVanillaSweet£24.45LIMITEDSTOCK
Absolut Elyx Vodka
70cl 42.3% ABVSE SwedenA luxury version of Absolut Vodka, Absolut Elyx is distilled from a single-estate winter wheat sourced from Råbelöf, a family-owned country estate in the Åhus region of southern Sweden - less than 30 miles away from the distillery.
Key FlavoursPlain£37.45LIMITEDSTOCK
Absolut Mandrin Vodka
70cl 40% ABVSE SwedenOne of the many flavoured variants from the iconic Swedish Vodka - Absolut Mandarin is a zesty offering that lends an added dimension to cocktails like the Cosmo.
Key FlavoursCitrus£24.45LIMITEDSTOCK
Absolut Rapsberri Vodka
70cl 38% ABVSE SwedenWild raspberries are often found in the Swedish hillsides and this is the iconic Vodka distillery's homage to them!
Key FlavoursFruityFresh Fruit£24.45